Books on Air: Interview with Scott Curtis Meischen author of LIVE WISE
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Suzanne Harris talks to Scott Curtis Meischen about his book " LIVE WISE: A Guidebook to Facing Life and Reality’s Complexities and Messiness with the Wisdom and Love of God".
Every journey is best pursued by having an authentically wise guidebook to aid you in your understanding of your ULR ( Understanding of Life and Reality), how to wisely journey through life and reality.
An authentically wise understanding (ULR understanding of life and reality) is informed both about how and why to travel, and journey wisely. It is self-evident that truth and love matter to a life wisely lived, but it is not plainly evident whose explanation of life and reality (ELR) contains the very best explanation of constitutes enduring truth and authentic love.
The God of the Bible said if left to ourselves, collectively you will be plagued by wars and rumors of wars, that famine and pestilent would plague your days. And you will in your intimate relationships as couples and families would find loving oneness much longed for but difficult to find and even more challengingly to sustain.
Your much self-heralded humanly constructed ELRs, have not resulted in an enlightened, informed, progressively enriched existence but a reality persistently plagued by unity/chaos, clarity/confusion, peace/despair, and all life still finally ends in death.
You were warned by the God of the Bible, you would come to suffer from a mind and heart condition similar to snow blindness termed reality blindness: better equipped to see analytically but yet persistently, congenitally spiritually blinded. Reality blindness is a congenital condition of humanity, a manifestation of being spiritually stillborn, if you elect to exist outside of a right standing with God.
When all things are relative being equally true and false at the same time in the same relationship nothing is relevant: real gold is equal to fool’s gold, momentary lust and enduring love are equally valid emotional expressions. Humanly sourced understanding results in a form of mental, emotional hypothermia: reality began at your birth, all meaning is temporary, and in death you return to nothingness.
In our various hypothermic states of existence, you numb your inevitable despair by self-medications found in drugs, sex, achievement, entertainment, etc. or some lash out with a coping strategy of hurting themselves or others.
But wait! All is not lost. Your existence failure is not new nor unexpected nor unexplained. God created you with love hungry hearts only He can satisfy. God is both the great physician and ultimate parent who can both heal you spiritual today and gift you with an eternal relationship for all of your tomorrows including a post-physical-death forever home.
But you have to respond with a yes and to His offer of the Live Wise Solution: forgiveness and adoption. As directed by God, Live Wise is a Jesus sourced how-to guidebook for facing life and reality’s complexities and messiness with the singularly valuable wisdom and love of God only found in God’s ELRs: Jesus and the Bible. Initially God’s offer is a gift of forgiveness of your sins and an outpouring of love and peace that only need be accepted. Stop. Think. Believe. You make the call. Live Wise.
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